Sky Blue Credit Repair Service Review

A good or excellent credit score is very important. Your credit score can mean the difference in getting approved for a loan—including a mortgage—or getting turned down for funding. In some cases, it can even impact your ability to purchase affordable car insurance or rent an apartment. While you can do a lot to manage your credit history in a positive way, mistakes can derail your progress.

If you have reviewed your credit score or report and found it wanting, you have options. Begin by determining if there are any mistakes or negative items on the report, and if there are, consider working with credit repair companies to get them corrected. Learn about Sky Blue credit repair, one company that offers credit repair services.

What Is Sky Blue Credit Repair?

Sky Blue is a credit restoration and repair service. It’s been open since 1989, so it does have some longevity in the space. The company offers phone support and technology that helps you interface with its team members as they work with credit bureaus to remove errors from your credit reports.

How Does Sky Blue Credit Repair Work?

Sky Blue offers what it calls a membership for its services. You can sign up to receive your free credit reports. They also help you set up credit monitoring through free third-party services.

The team at Sky Blue Credit Repair then reviews your credit report and provides a list of items they think they can help get removed or corrected. At this time, they also advise you if you’re an appropriate candidate for their ongoing monthly services. They let you know how much they might be able to help you.

If you decide to use their repair services, you begin paying for it. Sky Blue Credit Repair begins sending dispute letters to the credit bureaus to explain why something is wrong and ask for a correct to be made. If corrections are not made, Sky Blue re-disputes via a customized letter and process to increase the chances of success.

How Much Is Sky Blue Credit Repair?

Membership for Individuals

Monthly Cost: $79

Onetime setup fee: $79

Sky Blue charges a onetime setup and review fee of $79. This fee is charged six days after you sign up for the service. At that time, Sky Blue conducts an in-depth review of your credit report so it can let you know why you might consider moving forward with its services. The company says that it doesn’t push its service if the dispute process wouldn’t potentially help improve your credit.

Once you agree to the service, you’re entered into it. You pay $79 per month. Your first monthly payment is charged one month after the onetime setup fee is charged.

Membership for Couples

Monthly Cost: $119

Onetime setup fee: $119

Couples can get the same services as individuals but save a bit of money by signing up together. The couples discount lets you both work toward fixing your credit at a savings of $39 per month.

Other Notes About What Sky Blue Costs

Sky Blue doesn’t offer different levels of service or upgrade options. It simply offers credit dispute services for the specified monthly fee. It also lets customers cancel at any time at no additional charge. You can also pause your membership for a month or more to stop charges—and services—temporarily for budgetary or other purposes.

What Doesn’t Sky Blue Credit Repair Provide?

Sky Blue Credit Repair appears to be a service that provides credit dispute letters. It doesn’t seem to offer additional options such as legal services, financial counseling or credit counseling. While your initial setup does come with some tips for managing your credit and finances, this isn’t a service for someone who wants help paying bills on time or managing debt loads.

Pros and Cons of Working with Sky Blue Credit Repair?

One of the biggest advantages of Sky Blue credit repair is that you’re in control of your repair services. You can pause it and restart it anytime, which lets you get help with disputing items on your credit report in a manner that works for your budget.

Sky Blue also says that you may begin to see results in as little a month. However, this is not an advantage solely of this service. Legally, the credit bureaus must respond in 30 days to any dispute letter.

The biggest disadvantage of working with Sky Blue is the same when working with any of these services. Typically, most credit repair services can’t do anything you couldn’t do for yourself. They send dispute letters and make arguments as to why information on your report is erroneous. However, if you don’t have the time or desire to handle these tasks yourself, this disadvantage may not be a big deal.

What Is the Best Credit Repair Program for You?

Whether you should work with a service to repair your credit and which service is right for you is a personal choice. You may want to pay for this service if you:

  • Are intimidated by the process of writing letters to the credit bureau and would prefer someone handle it for you
  • Aren’t sure what’s on your reports or what rights you have to dispute information and need guidance
  • Simply don’t consistently have the time to devote to this process

If you decide that using credit repair companies is a step in the right direction for your credit score, you do have choices. There are a ton of reputable services in the credit repair industry in addition to Sky Blue, so shop around for one that best meets your needs. Some other options include and Lexington Law.

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