Get graded with your free credit report card. Your report card gives you a letter grade in each of the five key factors of your credit. You see at-a-glance where you stand. And you can drill down into each factor, so you can easily monitor what’s happening with your credit.
Payment history is the record of when—and if—you pay your bills. And, it’s one of the main things that creditors look at. Payment history makes up 35% of your credit score—the biggest part. Your report card shows your grade, total late payments and more. See your payment history now »
How you use credit affects your credit score. Use too much and your score goes down. Your credit utilization ratio, or how much of your credit limit you use, makes up 30% of your credit score. Your credit report card shows your ratio, credit card debt, credit limit and how different factors affect your score. Get your debt usage now »
Credit age, aka credit history, is the age of your oldest account, not how long you’ve used credit. Creditors want older credit histories. And older accounts are better for your score. Credit age makes up 15% of your score. See your credit history and the ages of the oldest and newest account on your credit report card. Know your credit age now »
Revolving credit, installment loans and the mix of the two—student loans, auto loans, mortgages, etc.—make up 10% of your credit score. A good mix shows creditors you can handle different types of debts. See how many revolving credit accounts and loans you have in your free credit report summary. Check your account mix »
Every time you apply for a new credit card or loan, it can show up as a hard inquiry on your credit report. That’s true even for denied credit. And hard inquiries make up 10% of your score and can cause it to drop. Applying for credit too frequently is a red flag to creditors. When was your last inquiry? See how many inquiries you have and how long you’ve had them on your report card. Check your inquiries now »
If you want the details of why your score changed, it’s all there. Simply select “See details” for “Why did my score change” to see the historical view of your credit score—and what’s changed it. helps you take control of your finances and show you how to turn your fair credit into good credit or your good credit into excellent credit.
When you sign up for your account, you get your free Experian VantageScore 3.0 credit score. And your score updates every 14 days.
Credit is confusing. Knowing your credit score is only half the battle. That’s why offers free, personalized tips and articles tailored to your credit score. Take control of your financial well-being by learning what you need to reach your credit goals.
Your credit score affects the loans and credit cards you qualify for. To save you from lots of legwork, includes cards and loans that you’re more likely to get approved for. You can see your best options and apply right from within your account. If you’re ready to apply for loans or credit cards specific for your credit score, just sit back— will do the work for you.
In general, you can access your credit report for free once per year for each of the three credit bureaus—Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Due to COVID-19, each bureau is offering free weekly online reports through April 2022.
You can also access your credit report snapshot for free at While this is not a full credit report, it can also give you a picture of the five key areas included in your credit report.
In general, you can access your credit report for free once per year for each of the three credit bureaus—Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Due to COVID-19, each bureau is offering free weekly online reports through April 2021.
You can also access your credit report snapshot for free at While this is not a full credit report, it can also give you a picture of the five key areas included in your credit report.
You can get three free credit reports per year, one from each credit reporting agency: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. In some cases, you can get additional free credit reports if you believe you’ve been a victim of fraud or identity theft, or if you’ve been rejected for credit.
Checking your credit report is a soft inquiry, meaning it will not damage your credit score. Other examples of soft inquiries include an employer pulling your score, or a lender sending you preapproved credit card offers.
Your credit report gives a full background of your credit history including personal information, delinquent accounts, and accounts in good standing. Your credit report card is a summary of all of this that shows you how you’re doing in the areas that make up your credit score.
Each credit bureau calculates your scores differently. Experian uses the FICO Score 8, which ranges from 300 to 850. Equifax calculates your credit score on a range from 280-850 while TransUnion, rather than using a FICO model, uses the VantageScore 3.0 which also ranges from 300-850. The higher your score, the better offers and interest rates you’re eligible for.
Your credit score and credit report are separate from one another. Your report is your entire credit history of all your installment (loan) and revolving (credit card) accounts. Your credit score on the other hand, is a number calculated from your credit history that shows where you stand in terms of credit health. Even though the two are related, you do have to request them separately.