5 Times Being a Good Negotiator Can Really Pay

Everyone loves a deal, but sometimes it takes a little extra effort to get the price we want. Negotiating a price down can take some work, but it’s one of the best tools at your disposal when you’re looking to save money. However, while you might know you can haggle on big-ticket items (cars, houses, etc.), there are plenty of other negotiating opportunities out there that can get you a great price. Here are five unexpected ways you can save yourself some cash.

1. Furniture

When it comes to furniture, the sticker price isn’t always the final word. In fact, most furniture salesmen are expecting to be met with opposition on the original price. If you want to increase your odds of finding a good deal though, try opting for smaller, mom-and-pop type shops and bring cash. Small businesses make it easier to speak with the owners, who will have far greater power in determining the final price as opposed to a salesperson. Bringing cash will show the seller that you’re able to pay the new price immediately in full.

2. Jewelry

As with furniture, it’s going to be in your best interest to avoid chain stores when negotiating jewelry. Name-brand stores typically have firm corporate policies when it comes to pricing, so their salespeople aren’t going to give much leeway. Independent stores, on the other hand, might seem more expensive, but they may be more willing to work with you on price. You can possibly increase your chances of getting the price you want by aiming for items that have been on the floor for some time. Jewelers don’t like to hold on to merchandise for too long, so the longer it’s been hanging around, the more likely they’ll be willing to budge.

3. Electronics

A good way to find discounts on electronics is to ask an employee about floor models or slightly damaged merchandise. Stores will typically be willing to sell floor models at a discount if they’re about to reset their floor or trying to dump obsolete models. Many stores also hang on to items that were damaged during receiving and will sell them at a huge discount. Sometimes the defects or blemishes are incredibly minor (such as chipped plastic or tiny cracks), which means a nearly perfect product for much, much less!

4. Your Credit Card

As surprising as it may sound, you might be able to negotiate some of the aspects of your credit card to lean a little closer in your favor. However, some things are easier to negotiate than others. For example, if your payment date isn’t working for you, it can be as easy as a phone call to have it moved. Interest rates or annual fees may also be negotiated. If you had so-so credit when you applied and now have a great credit score, you may be able to use that to get better terms. (There are many ways to get your credit scores for free, including Credit.com, to see where you stand.)

5. Auto Insurance

Although it might be a little tricky, it is possible to negotiate a better rate on your auto insurance. Do a little research and request quotes from competitors on plans that are as close to your current one as possible. Providing any one of them can offer a better rate, you can use that as leverage in a conversation with your representative. In many cases, companies will do what they need to keep your business.

Remember, it never hurts to ask about discounts or coupons. Negotiations start by simply inquiring, and while you might find yourself being turned down, you could be surprised! After all, you’ll never know what you could save yourself until you ask.

More Money-Saving Reads:

Image: iStock

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