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6 Financial Mistakes You Must Avoid When Retiring

May 11, 2021
Molly Crockett

Molly Crockett is a successful lifestyle writer, where she helps people take control of their mental health and finances. She writes for,, and

When it comes to managing your money, it’s good to be smart. So many people go through life with little awareness of where their money is going, how they’re spending it, or even how they’re earning it. That’s why many people are in debt or living paycheck to paycheck.

It’s important to be realistic about your finances, even once we reach retirement age. Fortunately, it’s never too late to get smart about managing your money. Here are six financial mistakes you’ll want to avoid as you approach retirement.

1. Continuing Your Spending Habits

When you’re earning money through working, you might be tempted to spend a little extra because you could do an overtime shift to make it back, and you know you have money coming in. However, if you’re putting off saving because of these habits, you might be left playing catch-up once you retire. 

So, make sure to cut back on expenses and prioritize savings. And allocate them appropriately to maximize how far your money can go. As you go into retirement, you can treat yourself to a much-needed vacation or a new car. But it’s important to be ever-mindful of where and how this money is being spent. Establish a financial plan to follow diligently to avoid any financial pitfalls. 

2. Claiming Social Security Too Early

Many might look at retiring early at 62 since that’s where retirement benefits start. However, it might be best to retire between 67 and 70 when the Social Security payments are larger. 

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to retire before your max benefits. Instead you should be looking at your savings and portfolio to support you until that age, if your financial situation allows it. Before moving forward with anything, get organized with a consultant to see if you can cover your cost of living.

3. Not Looking into Investment Opportunities

To really stretch how far your money goes during your retirement, you could look into investing your money. Failing to do this means you won’t make as much money as possible to allow you to have a comfortable retirement.

Investment opportunities change all the time. So, make sure you’re looking at what options are available to you and which ones you would like to get involved in. Work with a professional to see which investment opportunities are right for you and your retirement plans.

4. Not Seeking to Get out of Debt

Ahead of retirement age, you shouldn’t be driving up debt. This might get harder to liquidate once you retire. And 99% of the time, you’ll have to keep working, especially since the interest on your debts are going to prolong how much you owe. Healthcare costs can be larger for people in retirement. Therefore, you should plan for these expenses and not have debt to hinder the care you might need. 

5. Not Investing in Stocks

There’s a huge movement at the moment where more people than ever before are getting involved with the complexities of the stock market, which is great because so many people are discovering new ways to make wealth. While there’s risk with stocks, the greater risk is missed opportunities stocks can give in return.

Opt for lower-risk investments like mutual funds that give you a stake in many different companies and industries without having to invest in individual stocks. This is another area where it is wise to work with a professional to determine how your goals fit into stock investment opportunities.

6. Downsizing 401(k) Accounts

As you move through your life, you may have several 401(k) accounts set up in your name. And decreasing your contributions to them while you’re working can be detrimental once you get to the retirement stage of your life.

Make sure you’re taking advantage of every opportunity for savings your employer can give you now. So, you won’t miss out on the money you can enjoy during your retirement. You should also not dip into your 401(k) in an emergency and instead look into an HSA or stock plan options if you have them. 


As you can see, there are a few mistakes you’ll want to avoid in order for your retirement to be plain sailing. Be mindful and aware of your financial situation as the more attention you give it, the more stable it’s going to be!

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