12 Ways to Trim the Cost of Haircuts

Unless you desire tresses that fall to your waist, you’ll eventually need a haircut.

For some, this could mean spending anywhere from a handful of dollars to more than $100, depending on the stylist and where you live.

But there are many ways to remain stylish on a budget while maintaining the appearance of your mane.

Following are 12 tips for helping shave the costs associated with haircuts.

1. Find a Cosmetology School

You can save 50% or more on the cost of a haircut at a local cosmetology or barber school.

Horrified by the thought of a student experimenting with your hair? Don’t be. They are well-supervised.

Cosmetology students must follow a rigorous curriculum in preparation to be licensed in their state. For instance, Illinois requires 1,500 hours of training at a licensed school before students can take the state licensing examination.

For a comprehensive directory of cosmetology schools nationwide, visit BeautySchoolsDirectory.com.

2. Visit a Barber

Sporting a stylish but simple haircut? Skip the hair salon and visit a barber instead. They often charge much less.

3. Find Coupons

If you’re loyal to a particular salon chain, visit its website to locate coupons to offset the cost of your next visit. If you don’t see any, call and ask.

Also, inquire about customer loyalty rewards programs. These can save you a nice sum of cash if you are a regular client.

4. Look for Promotional Offers

Take advantage of special pricing or discounts typically offered during busier periods.

Back-to-school season is here, and many salons are offering reduced-price haircuts, which can lower one of the costs incurred by parents for back-to-school necessities.

The holiday season is another period when customers can save big on haircuts.

5. Ask About Group Discounts

Ask your barber or stylist about group discounts that may apply if multiple members of your family go to the same shop. In this case, even a small discount can work wonders.

6. Seek out Freelancers

Are you pals with a professional or retired stylist? Perhaps that person would be willing to cut your hair at his or her home for a much reduced rate.

7. Choose a Low-Maintenance Style

Instead of aiming for an edgy style like that worn by your favorite celebrity, try one that requires minimal trimming.

Ask your cosmetologist about hairstyles that maintain a sleek appearance even when they begin to grow out. You could save hundreds of dollars in a single year on maintenance.

8. Scrap the Loyalty

New beauty shops and new stylists fresh out of cosmetology school both want to create a buzz in the community. So, they may offer discounts to entice potential regular customers to stop by.

Also, consider going to a shop that charges less than your normal stylist for routine maintenance between major style changes or colorings.

9. Reduce Blow-Drying

Improperly using styling tools such as blow-dryers, curling irons and flat irons can damage your hair, requiring more visits to your hair care professional than you would otherwise need. WebMD provides tips for correctly using these styling tools.

10. Do It Yourself

Many people cut their own hair or the hair of family members. This may involve routine maintenance (such as trimming off split ends or shortening bangs) or even more extensive cutting. For guys, going with the bald or nearly bald option may be a good look.

This article has some tips from professionals on how to cut your own hair. You’ll also find plenty of help on YouTube.

11. Be Charitable

Some salons will offer you a free haircut in exchange for donating your cut-off mane to a charity, such as Locks of Love.

12. Spend Wisely on Hair Care Products

Don’t use cheap scissors if you trim your own hair, and don’t buy the cheapest blow-dryer or other tools if you want to maintain your hair’s health.

What about shampoo, conditioner and other products you apply to your hair? Lifehacker advises that you avoid certain harsh chemicals. But you don’t need to pay top dollar to get the best results. It says:

The benefit of paying more is pretty minor, in that pricier products generally include higher-quality ingredients. Pricier brands also tend to include essential oils, plant or fruit extracts, and botanicals (where cheaper brands do not). The hair care professionals we spoke to believe that these ingredients may only play a small role in the health of your hair. Instead, they felt you’ll find a more personal benefit in the texture and scent they provide. For example, a shampoo might use mint which smells nice and can help perk you up a little in the morning.

What tricks have you used to save on haircuts? Let us know in the comments below.

This post originally appeared on Money Talks News.

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