Credit Score

Our experts provide simple explanations for what influences your credit score; how your credit information gets used and tips on how to improve your credit. Access your credit information with a credit score and credit report from Sign up is quick, easy and always FREE!


Credit Score

Why Your Credit Score Isn’t Going Up

Waiting for your score to change? There are a few reasons why this hasn't happened yet.

| June 4, 2024

Credit Tools

View All Credit Score Posts

Ways a Car Loan Can Increase Your Credit Score
Do car payments build credit? It depends on how you use them. Dis... Read More

July 9, 2024

What Is the Lowest Credit Score and 5 Steps to Work to Improve It
300 is the lowest credit score anyone can have—and that number ... Read More

May 14, 2024

Which Credit Score and Report Is Most Accurate?
Technically, no credit score is more accurate than another, but t... Read More

May 6, 2024

How Medical Debt Can Impact Your Credit Score
Medical debt can impact your credit score in a few unique ways.... Read More

April 23, 2024

What Is a Good Credit Score? [With Ranges]
A good credit score is 670 or above, while scores of 740 and abov... Read More

April 23, 2024

Why Are My Credit Scores Different?
Credit reporting agencies may use different scoring models or rep... Read More

April 16, 2024