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How to Set Your Wedding Budget

November 19, 2021
Jessica Bishop

Jessica Bishop is the founder of, and author of the best-selling book, The Budget-Savvy Wedding Planner & Organizer. Jessica's expert wedding advice and money-saving tips have been featured by Good Morning America, COSMOPOLITAN, Glamour, and more.

This article originally appeared on The Budget Savvy Bride and has been republished here with permission. 

Whether you’re just recently engaged or already immersed in planning, this is our absolute biggest tip and most valuable advice to offer you. The most important thing to know before you start planning anything is… the dreaded B-word… your BUDGET! But do you know how to set your wedding budget? Our #1 wedding budget tip is to create your budget before you begin planning.

I know what you’re thinking… money talk is generally not fun and can be a little stressful. That’s why it’s best to rip off the band-aid and get those discussions out of the way upfront. You can’t stick to a budget if you don’t know what your budget is, right?

Steps for Setting Your Wedding Budget

Your wedding budget will likely be made up of funds from several different sources and should reflect your values and/or priorities. Below, you’ll find our step-by-step advice for setting a wedding budget you can actually afford and are happy with! A wedding budget should be personal–and it should reflect your unique situation and set of circumstances. We’ll help you get to your final number by following the steps below:

1. Discuss the vision for your day with your partner.

What do you and your partner hope for on your wedding day? Do you envision being surrounded by a large group of family and friends or something more intimate with only your closest loved ones? Do you picture a big, fancy party or something more chilled and low-key? Take the time to chat with your partner about your shared vision for your wedding day. The budget you’ll need to accomplish your vision can vary greatly based on these preferences!

Be sure to also cover how soon you want this shindig to happen, as a shorter engagement means less time to save money for the big day. It’s best to have a rough idea of when you’d like to tie the knot to help inform your budget.

2. Research in your area to set realistic wedding budget expectations

After you’ve discussed your ideal wedding vision, it’s important to set expectations for costs. For most couples, there are typically two numbers at play when it comes to your wedding budget: the amount of money you’re able (and willing) to spend, and the amount of money the wedding you want will actually cost.

Many couples start researching and quickly realize the wedding they’ve dreamed of is going to cost more than they’d hoped. This is where honing in on those priorities comes into play. Even if there’s a disconnect between your desired spend and your wedding vision, you shouldn’t feel compelled to spend more than you’re comfortable with.

A note on pricing research:

As a savvy consumer, it’s important to educate yourself on the true costs of a professionally executed event. Getting familiar with actual costs will help you to set a realistic wedding budget that allows you to have what you want (within reason) at a price you can afford.

3. Declare your drop dead, maximum spend.

To decide on a wedding budget that works for you, sit down with your fiancé/fiancée and discuss an amount you both feel comfortable with spending. This is the amount of money that you’re willing and able to spend, without taking on debt. You may be able to technically afford to spend more, but decide that you don’t want to spend so much on a one-day party.

This is also the figure you’d be working with should you be funding your entire wedding yourselves. If your families are able and willing to contribute to your wedding fund (we’ll get to that in a minute), then you could either add their contributions on top of your max spend. Or, you can save some of your intended spend to go towards other life goals.

4. Decide how much you’ll need to save over time.

After you’ve figured out what sort of wedding you’re looking to plan, discuss your personal finances with your partner. Together, decide how much you’re each willing and able to contribute to the day. Do you want to allocate some of your savings to the wedding fund? Can you save money during the course of your engagement to go towards paying for the wedding? If so, how much?

Hash out these details as a team. This may be the first of many money talks you’ll have as a couple. For a healthy marriage, it’s so important to be on the same page about money.

In some cases, this bucket of funds might be all you have to work with. If your families aren’t pitching in financially, you may have to extend the length of your engagement to afford the wedding you want.

5. Have “The Talk” with any contributing parties.

If either set of parents are contributing money to the wedding funds, make sure to make time to sit down and discuss how much they will be contributing. Perhaps you and your fiancé are planning to pay for the wedding yourselves, and if that’s the case, then the conversation will just be the two of you. Either way, it’s important to have a full idea of how much you will have to work with to keep yourselves on budget.

It’s important to note that accepting outside parties or loved ones could come with strings attached. If the two of you want to have creative control without managing others’ opinions and wishes, you may choose to decline outside contributions. It’s definitely a trade-off, so be sure to set boundaries and expectations upfront if you do decide to accept financial assistance from your families.

6. Discuss expectations and timing.

One of the major pain points of planning a wedding with outside funds is the expectations that come along with the money. It may be a little uncomfortable, but it’s important to discuss expectations with all financial contributors to avoid unnecessary stress or hurt feelings.

Major things to cover include estimated expenses and the timing of contributions from all those who are financing the wedding. Will they be giving you a sum up front to work with? Or will they be depositing funds on a rolling basis over the course of your engagement? Do you plan to put the expenses on a points-earning Credit Card when possible? Or, will you be paying with cash or check? Will your family members be paying for specific services/vendors directly or giving you funds to use as you see fit? Be sure to cover all your bases to cut down on possible friction with your families.

7. Tally up the final figures.

Add up all the funds from contributing parties to find your total wedding budget. Combine the funds from your families with your own savings and/or monthly contributions along the way. This sum figure should be the absolute max budget for your wedding. It should be the number you look at to guide you through making financial decisions for your day.

8. Prioritize.

You’ve probably heard it time and time again, prioritize what is most important to you and allocate your budget accordingly. Remember to include room in your budget for tips and gratuities for your wedding vendors! These items tend to be overlooked and can result in significant over-spending if you don’t work them into your budget.

Aligning your priorities with your wedding plans will help you plan a day you (and your wallets) will be happy with! Then, you can seek out ways to save money on your wedding in the areas that aren’t as important to you.

9. Focus on what matters.

Setting a wedding budget can feel stressful, so it’s important to keep your focus on the aspects of the wedding day that matter most. Often, the most treasured of all are the moments; like hugging a relative you haven’t seen in years, exchanging your vows with your partner, and dancing the night away with your closest friends. Even if you can’t afford the lush florals or a fancy venue, you can still have the most magical night of your life. Setting a realistic budget for your wedding that fits within your financial means will allow you to do that without stress, guilt, or debt!

Make sure to follow these wedding budget tips to get yourself started on the right track.

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