Stay on Top of Your Credit Reports with Track It from ExtraCredit

It’s no secret that you have a credit score. You might’ve even taken a peek at your credit score every now and again. But we’ve got some news for you—you have more than one score. In fact, you have dozens of credit scores.

How can you keep track of them all? Here’s where you can start—sign up for ExtraCredit. When you do, you’ll get access to Track It, which will show you 28 of your FICO scores. Intrigued? Keep reading to learn more.

What is ExtraCredit?

What is ExtraCredit, exactly? ExtraCredit is a one-stop-shop for everything credit. It’s a tool that covers every aspect of your credit, all wrapped up with a bow on top. Whether you have a killer credit score or you score is a bit lacking, we could all use a little extra help, right?

No matter what your credit score needs are, ExtraCredit provides tools that can help. More specifically, ExtraCredit offers five comprehensive tools that can get your credit to where you want it to go: 

The Benefits of Track It

Free educational credit scores—Credit Report Card, for instance—are useful, but they provide a credit snapshot, rather than a full financial picture. Plus, if you are able to get a peek at your score, you usually only see one of your credit scores. With Track It, you can see much more. Every account, every late payment reported to any of the three main credit bureaus, plus 28 FICO scores. 

View 28 of Your FICO Scores

Like we said earlier, you don’t have just one credit score—you actually have dozens. And they’re all used for different things. Banks use industry-specific FICO scores to assess consumers’ applications for various different financial products. Credit card companies use Bankcard scores, for instance, to determine your credit card eligibility. On the other hand, vehicle loan companies use Auto scores.

Mortgage lenders use various different FICO score iterations to make lending decisions—specifically FICO 2, FICO 4 and FICO 5 scores. Confused? Don’t worry, Track It breaks it all down for you. It’ll show you the credit score that auto, home, credit card lenders see—and more. 

See Your Full Credit Reports

With Track It, you’ll also gain access to all three of your credit reports. You’ll get access to your credit reports from Experian, Equifax and TransUnion as soon as you sign up for ExtraCredit. You can monitor all your financial accounts and review month-by-month changes. Each report lists your name, your address, your employment history and details about your accounts, including:

You’ll also see soft and hard credit inquiries—though only hard credit inquiries impact your score. Bankruptcies are shown, but judgments and tax liens are no longer listed.

Unpack Your Scores

Track It doesn’t just show you all three credit reports—it includes a credit factor report card, too. Here are the five things that influence your credit score:

Without ExtraCredit, you have to guess how you’re doing with each factor. With Track It, you can monitor all the factors that affect your credit score at each bureau, all in one spot. With that information in hand, you can change habits and pay off debt to improve your credit score.

Track Your Credit

Track It has a built-in tool that makes score tracking over time easy. You see your credit scores displayed in line graph format, so it’s really easy to monitor changes over time. You’ll notice your score dip and rise in response to credit inquiries, late payments and credit utilization. Knowing what your credit score usually looks like can also help you spot suspicious activity as soon as it happens. 

Why Track Your Credit Score?

Monitoring your credit report and your credit score can help you understand your creditworthiness. You’ll know in advance if you meet a lender’s credit standards, so you can decide whether or not to apply for an auto loan, a credit card or a mortgage. 

Need to improve some less-than-ideal credit habits? Negative habits are easy to spot—and potentially fix—with Track It. You can reduce your credit utilization or improve your credit mix to boost your score. Plus, you’ll see the results of all your hard work on the Track It platform. 

Finally, monitoring your credit regularly can help you stop identity fraud in its tracks. ExtraCredit’s other perks include credit alerts, ID insurance and exclusive access to credit repair products. With ExtraCredit, you really do gain full control over your financial life.

Track It Helps You Stay on Top of Your Score

Most people think they have a single credit score—or three scores at best. In fact, they have dozens of credit scores, which lenders use to determine eligibility for various financial products. With Track It, you get an insider view of the credit scoring system. You can monitor 28 of your credit scores, plus your credit report.

Ready to take charge of your credit? Sign up for ExtraCredit right now and try Track It for a full 7 days, absolutely free.

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