Farnoosh Torabi

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Farnoosh Torabi is a nationally recognized author, expert and television host. Her first book, You're So Money, is an acclaimed tell-all for young adults searching for financial independence. Her new book Psych Yourself Rich, gives readers the mindset and discipline to build their financial life.

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From Kindergarten to College: Financial Literacy For All Ages
More Americans are defaulting on their student loans, according t... read more

September 15, 2011

Personal Finance

Top 11 Banks for College Students
Between attending classes, joining clubs and pledging fraternitie... read more

August 30, 2011

Student Loans

Stemming the Student Loan Crisis: A Lesson From India
Sometimes it helps to look beyond our borders for solutions to th... read more

July 25, 2011

Student Loans

3 Ways the CFPB Can Help Protect Young Consumers
As the Consumer Financial  Protection Bureau (CFPB) gears up... read more

July 19, 2011

Student Loans

Alternative Card Options for Students: Debit or Prepaid?
For many college-bound students that are too young to qualify for... read more

July 14, 2011


Fixed-Rate Private Student Loans – Worth It?
There’s a new kind of private student loan in town, with pr... read more

July 7, 2011

Student Loans