Credit 101 is here to provide you with a practical, real-world credit education. We’ll teach you credit basics: what is a credit report & score, how to shop for credit & how to understand and compare APRs. We’ll also brief you on the type of credit products available and how to evaluate which one is right for you!

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How Can I Tell If I Have a Credit Score?

Credit 101

How to Tell If You Have a Credit Score

Learn more about credit scores, how these ratings are determined and how to find out if you have a credit score. Discover tips for building your credit score.

| March 1, 2023

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Keeping Up with Long-term Financial Goals
Americans could use a bit more discipline when it comes to saving... Read More

July 6, 2011

Your Top Credit Questions: Cosigner/Ex Ruined My Credit
It's not unusual for joint accounts to cause problems long after ... Read More

July 5, 2011

Credit Q&A: Will Paying a Collection Improve My Credit Score?
When you open a new line of credit, you enter into a contractual ... Read More

July 1, 2011

How to Find the Right Credit Union for You
Credit unions are known to be more stable than banks, and more ge... Read More

June 28, 2011

Know Your Credit Score Basics
Your credit score is one of the most important components of your... Read More

June 27, 2011

Credit Score Q&A: Paying Credit Card Balances in Full vs. Minimum Payments
A reader in New York City wants to understand if a sudden decisio... Read More

June 21, 2011